Competition Regulation 2018

Regulamento - PTReglamento - ESCompetition Regulation - EN

1. Scope and Objectives of the competition

The University of Coimbra, the University of Salamanca, the City Council of Guarda and the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda established a strategic partnership that enabled the creation of the Center for Iberian Studies (CIS)- Centro de Estudos Ibéricos (CEI), determined on reinforce cultural and scientific axis organized by the cities and corresponding Universities, with the mission to promote initiatives which would transpire both a commitment to the low density territories, particularly the peripheral and border, as an active involvement in territorial cooperation.

Based on these results and the importance that image assumes in contemporary societies, we must distance ourselves from media processes that exclude and leave no visibility for the vast areas of the planet so that, under this procedure, we decided to use photography as an effective way to promote the inclusion of territories. The Photography without frontiers Project is extended to countries from other continents, especially where persist marks from the Iberian presence, aiming to find images that reflect the restructurings that that can be taking place through these areas, capture signals of continuity and change, of archaisms and innovations that cross both the most populous metropolitan areas as the most remote border areas. The journey that is proposed for such diverse local places, in addition to documenting the diversity of Territories, Societies and Cultures, will read and interpret a multitude of natural, economic, social and cultural landscapes that are spread over for so wide geographical areas. The Transversalities Project uses image as a mean to promote regional cooperation, by benefiting the following items:

- to take advantage of the aesthetic, documental and educational value of the image to promote the inclusion of less visible areas by inventorying resources, enhance landscapes, cultures, and heritage;

- to promote cooperation between people, institutions and territory, within and beyond frontiers endorsing the exchange of experiences and knowledge between places unified by the common Iberian range, spread across different countries from different continents;

- to create new audiences and use new communication technologies as a privileged mean to communicate, appealing to young college students and thus widen the international network of researchers that CEI has been sponsoring over the years.

2. Themes 

The pictures collected under this contest should portray the diversity of territories, societies and cultures of different continents in order to allow crossed looks on the changes which are taking place in different parts of the world, show different styles of social organization and space, capture signs of continuity and change, archaisms and innovations that manifest themselves in the most populous cities or rural areas, located in the most remote and distant border areas, which are facing depopulation. The interpretation of the natural, economic, social and cultural landscapes validated in photos will make them an important component of territorial cooperation, as they are valuable resources of promoting the inclusion of remote and less visible regions.

Photos must allude to one of the following subjects:

  1. Landscapes, biodiversity and natural heritage
    (Natural resources and risks; use, management and planning of natural areas; diversity of contexts and intercourse between man and the environment, etc.).
  2. Rural areas, agriculture and settlement
    (Goods and agricultural products, organization of rural areas; places and rural architecture, mobility, etc.).
  3. The city and the urbanization process
    (City, architecture, regeneration and urbanization processes; landscapes, urban environments and experiences, etc.).
  4. Culture and society: cultural diversity and social inclusion
    (Constructed legacy and cultural heritage, ways of life and social conditions; fight against poverty and social exclusion, etc.)

3. Application and submission of the photos

  1. Registration is free and universal.
  2. Applications will be submitted electronically through the website and contestants must submit the application form properly filled with the following fields: personal information about the author; description for each photo; declaration accepting the conditions of the contest;
  3. Each contestant will be assigned a code that will identify the candidate before the jury.
  4. Each candidate may submit a portfolio of six (6) photographs in a single contest theme

4. Photos: terms and technical requirements

  1. The applicant must guarantee that the pictures are original have not yet been published or disclosed.
  2. Photos will not be accepted if:
    - Proposed by persons other than the author;
    - Already published, exhibited or previously rewarded;
    - Contain an identifying element of its author;

  3. Formats and dimensions of the photos:
    - After filling out the application form, please send the photos in digital format, JPG type [file high quality compression (9)], for the email address In order to upload files larger than 20MB, send through the site.

    - Photos must have a screen resolution of 72 dpi and size (W * or H) from 2000 to 2500 pixels (horizontal* or vertical, according to the angle of the photo);

    - Contestants must only send a single file - type zip or rar- which should contain all the contest photos. The file name must be identified by the identification the number of each contestant: identity card number, passport or other. (Ex:

5. Time limit for applications

  1. The acceptance of the competition photos begins on February 19, 2018 and ends at 24 pm on May 13, 2018 (Lisbon time).
  2. The Jury’s decision will be announced on the official website of CEI ( until 31st October 2018.

6. Jury and evaluation

  1. The Jury will be selected by the Executive Committee of CEI and will be presided by one of its members and shall consist of a panel of photographers, researchers or other individualities considered relevant for the evaluation process.
  2. The evaluation of the material submitted to the competition will be conducted by the jury according to: loyalty to the proposed topics, creativity and photographic quality.
  3. The winners’ selection will be an absolute, final and irreversible decision of the Jury.

7. Financial support for contest admittances

Of all participants and photos submitted to the competition will be selected and awarded the following:

  1. The Overall Winner (1) for the best and most complete submitted portfolio will receive 1500 Euros.
  2. The Winner of each theme (4) for the best and most complete portfolio will receive 750 Euros.
  3. The Jury will also award up to 12 portfolios, being each one awarded with 150 Euros.

8. Copyright

  1. Participation in the Contest implies that candidates:

    - Ensure they are the only holders of all rights over the photo they have in contest and that are authorized and therefore are responsible for the use and dissemination of images in which people who can be identified may appear;

    - Accept that the submitted photos can be used in publications and in any exhibition, show or catalog that will come to the course of this award;

    - Agree that the submitted photos might be reproduced without any commercial purposes and ethically by CEI, illustrating publications or shown on the official website.

    - Accept that the photos submitted to the competition may be used, without prior communication, in several communication materials, publications or magazines and online, always being mentioned the author's name.

  2. CEI is not responsible for any illegal downloads that can be carried out through the exhibition of the photos on the official website.

9. Final clauses

  1. The organization does not reply to phone calls or letters about competition results. Contestants must await the publication of the Jury’s decision in the correct place. Only winners will be notified of the results of the contest.
  2. Winners must provide to CEI the awarded photos in a CD or DVD with a minimum size of 8 MP (3500 x 2300 about ppp) and TIFF format. If this clause is not fulfilled they will not receive their prizes.
  3. Each contestant will be responsible for the damages that can be caused during the photos dispatch - loss or any material damages.
  4. By submitting images to the competition, the contestant accepts the terms of this Regulation and all the exposed conditions.
  5. Any omission that can occur in this Regulation will be solved by the organization.